Women Entrepreneurs 2.0

Monday, April 13, 2015

#HERstory2.0: Transforming the Financial Landscape of Money by Taking ACTion -Marsha Barnes

We often hear stories of people that have amazing ideas smashed into an even more amazing blueprint or business plan. My journey was the total opposite of this. Simply put I saw a need in my community and I went for it. No long drawn out prep sessions or prolonged desire for perfection. Just a thought that I took aggressive action towards to accomplish which is one of the overall objectives of The Finance Bar, “Transforming the Financial Landscape of Money-by Taking ACTion.” Prior to The Finance Bar, I lead a non-profit, Financial Empowerment-Charlotte. It was 100% non-profit. I was often asked the question of why I did it and the one that I always received was, “Why are you doing it for FREE?” As I look back, I wasn’t doing it for FREE. In a money sense yes, in a changing the thought process of my community and beyond no. There’s not a price tag that can be placed on service. The amazing people and organizations that I was able to connect with and continue relationships with may have never come to fruition unless I was willing to think beyond what I could gain. In fact I gained a ton. Knowledge, partnerships and my dream come true The Finance Bar.

My love language for personal finances comes from deep within. A deep rooted passion in changing lives. We often hear that “Money isn’t everything, or having good credit isn’t a badge of honor, or life goes on without money.” Actually, I totally agree. In the same manner I’ve seen the rewards of being financially prepared by squirreling away for the future. People not in fear of a pink slip because they are financially prepared for the curve balls that life can often throw us. It’s a space that’s filled for a topic often missed in many homes “financial literacy.” Dreams come alive when we commit to managing our finances appropriately. How many times do we delay those “I would like to……ideas as a result of lack of money?” Delayed vacations, or even a perfectly balanced month to pay our basic bills. Those mishaps keep me awake at night. Each of us deserves to show up in life in every aspect (physically, mentally, and financially).

My journey towards personal finance is a deed of speaking on a topic that matters and affects many people. I knew that it was my passion when I couldn’t stop thinking about it after experiencing the following incident. “I recall being in line at Target. As I stood waiting at the checkout I witnessed a young lady having every credit card that she attempted to use declined.” My heart instantly broke for her and from that day my mission has been to teach, by placing our focus on a topic that can help us or hurt. When I was younger and even to this day, I’ve always known my Mom to shop sale racks. Always saving, and living a seemingly minimalist lifestyle. I now find myself following in her footsteps. How awesome were here action taking teachings. J

Finding my passion, my purpose and honoring it is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I challenge everyone to step into their “thing.” Chances are the very thing that moves your inner being is a need to this world. Teaching, consulting, and celebrating inside the personal finance sector is work, it just happens to be a work that I “LOVE” doing.

By Marsha Barnes | Founder of The Finance Bar